Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal surrendered and returned to Tihar Jail on Monday following his recent election victory. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader complied with a court order that required him to serve a pending jail term.
Kejriwal was on temporary bail to campaign for elections. Following the electoral triumph, he honored the judicial mandate by turning himself in to resume his sentence.
The case pertains to a defamation suit filed against Arvind Kejriwal, for which he was sentenced to a short jail term. The court had previously allowed him to temporarily exit custody to fulfill his political responsibilities.
Supporters gathered outside Tihar Jail to show solidarity with Kejriwal, emphasizing their continued backing despite his legal troubles. Political analysts believe that his return to jail underscores his commitment to the rule of law and may bolster his image as a principled leader.
Arvind Kejriwal’s surrender marks a significant moment post-election, reflecting his adherence to judicial processes. As he resumes his jail term, the political landscape watches closely to see how this development impacts his leadership and the AAP’s future. For further updates,
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